Mandarin Service



KCC is a multicultural church rooted in biblical teachings, with members from all social classes and cultural backgrounds.

We realized that some of our neighbors in the nearby community preferred to communicate in Chinese, so KCC launched a Chinese-medium ministry in 2016 and aligned it with the overall vision of the church. This initiative empowers Mandarin speakers to grow in, serve, and share Christ Jesus Christ. At the same time, it also enables us to spread the gospel to the Chinese people near the church and expand the influence of God’s grace.

Kelston Community Church(简称KCC)致力于实现其愿景,即”在耶稣基督里成长,服侍基督,分享基督”。KCC是一所植根于圣经教导的多元文化教会,会友来自各个社会阶层及文化背景。在KCC,我们的会友热情友好,崇拜信息都以符合圣经的教导为最高原则.



Our Sunday worship services closely follow the schedule of the English main church. Every Sunday at 10 am, we join the members of the English main church for church worship, communion and devotions.

We then move to a separate auditorium for Mandarin worship, and interact with God’s Word through preaching.

Our Sunday worship service ends simultaneously with the English main church, followed by refreshments and fellowship.



In addition to Sunday worship, our “Peace Chinese Group” also holds regular family gatherings where we share meals, fellowship, worship, and reflect on God’s word. In addition, we organize occasional outdoor activities designed to promote physical and mental health.

If you are interested in the gospel or Christianity, we warmly welcome you to our events.

John 3:16 reminds us of God’s love for the world

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”






Janice Wee Aizhen
Mobile: 021-02427982
Email: [email protected]

Dennis Xi Weiwen
Mobile: 021-08155438
Email: [email protected]